34W Publishing choices

Where are you on the writing cycle?

When you get to the publishing stage you will be able to make 3 choices about how you want to publish your writing.

1. Word

2. Powerpoint

3. Prezi……this may be a new one for some of you. [wmd-buttons style=”3d” button_color=”#1ca310″ font_color=”#ffffff” size=”2″ border_radius=”4″ position=”center” target=”_blank” ls-id=”55e44a886ed57″][wmd-buttons-button label=”Prezi” link=”https://prezi.com/”/][/wmd-buttons]

You will find some examples of how people use Prezi on some of the older blog posts.

Today you need to make a sensible choice about which presentation tool you want to use. You will need to think about what sorts of things you want to include in your published work. Remember your presentation will need to suit your audience.

WALT:select an appropriate presentation tool

• Complete draft, edit and conference with the teacher
• Select one presentation tool
• Give a reason for your choice
• Publish work

TIB: Good writers publish their work using a variety of presentation tools to suit their audience.

Another presentation tool is the blog. When you have finished publishing you may find some of your work published here.

Learning to comment in 34A

34A have been learning about the importance of appropriate comments and messages when posting things online.

The teachers are looking forward to reading some of their clever comments that follow the blogging guidelines and help to keep our blog alive.

WALT – respond to a blog post
1. explain the steps for leaving a comment to a partner
2. respond to a blog post
3. open and save a document on the collaborative

TIB – Publishing our thoughts and ideas online means that they are there forever. We need to remember how to comment appropriately and what to do if we see something inappropriate.

Good Luck 34A

3/4K Week 8 Activity

Hi 3/4k,

Today’s lesson we will be using the “Unique Australian Animals” Website to find information.

Looking through the website you will need to find:
1. 3 animals that lay eggs
2. 3 animals that are nocturnal
3. 2 animals that dig burrows
4. What animal will thump the ground with their feet to warn other members of their group that a predator is coming, such as a dingo?
5. What animal will bury themselves in any left over mud or soil to survive drought conditions?

We are going to use Google Docs to record your information. You will need to access the portal to find this program. It is very similar to Word.

Miss Karamaneas
[wmd-buttons style=”gradient” button_color=”#e51640″ font_color=”#ffffff” size=”2″ border_radius=”4″ position=”center” target=”_blank” ls-id=”55e44f57e9a71″][wmd-buttons-button label=”Australian Animals” link=”http://australian-animals.net/”/][/wmd-buttons]

Trying something new in 34P

What would you try?

Everyday we learn something new while we are at school and today is no different. Let’s have a go at using a collaborative learning space called Google Classroom.

Let’s get started and learn together.

1.Find the link to your portal on the homepage.
2.Navigate to Google Apps for Education
3.Access Classroom and login using the code
4.Find the task.
5. 3 people will be asked to comment on this post. You will need to explain what you did and what you have discovered throughout the lesson.

Good Luck!!

Using Prezi in 5/6 T

We have discovered a new tool called “Prezi”. Jessica and I have used this tool to present our “Saturn Adventure” when we were researching the key features of the Solar System and how long it takes for each planet to orbit the Sun.

Here is the link to our Prezi:


5/6T learning about Planets

5/6T have been learning some amazing facts about planets. We are learning about how much time it takes for planets to orbit around the sun and how some planet’s atmosphere could be hostile to human life. This extremely exciting task has improved our vocabulary about the solar system.

Is the world really round?

People in history presumed the world was flat like the maps we see in books.


Why do you think they thought this?

Today you are going to find out some theories about this.

WALT: find out about historical perspectives

– access google docs / MS Word
– open PowerPoint
– identify 3 scientists from the past who had theories about the shape of the world
– explain briefly what their thoughts were
– record 3 perspectives

TIB: History shapes the world we live in today. We are always learning from it.

Wednesday 19/8/2015 3/4K
TASK 1: Information reports

Today we will select and research an Australian animal.

To research and gather information on a particular Australian animal.

•Use a range of websites to gather information on your particular animal
•Find information relating to the animals: classification, diet, description, behaviours, habitat, reproduction and other interesting facts
•Summarise information

We need to develop the skills to complete our own research.

Suggested websites:





Innovation in 5/6T!

5/6T are learning to research the features of a planet and how long it takes to orbit the sun! We are currently working on presenting our information in an innovative, engaging way! What creative ways are you thinking of to present your research? Will you use a webtool? How can you show your thinking in a creative way?



Hi everyone!

5/6N are using their research skills to construct an information report on one of the unique planets in our solar system. Mrs Tanak wants to know what planet we are researching, how long the planet takes to orbit the Sun, and some really interesting facts about the planet!
Mrs Tanak also wants her students to present their research CREATIVELY using one of the Webtools. E.g. Prezi, Voki, Popplet etc.

5/6N are looking forward to displaying FANTASTIC work here very soon!

What new skills have you developed this week?

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