Beautiful Artwork in Stage 3

What wonderful work all the students in stage 3 have been producing! Aboriginal perspectives, Book Week inspiration and much, much more.
Which is your favourite and why?

8 thoughts on “Beautiful Artwork in Stage 3”

  1. I can’t pick a favorite because they are all very beautiful and colorful even if I tried for a whole year I can’t make anything like these beautiful artworks. This represents our talented school and the amazing teachers and students in it.

  2. I like all of them. It’s hard to pick a favourite because they are all colourful and beautiful! They also have good use of patterns.

  3. I like the Google artwork with the Viking because it was drawn really well, is very colourful, and you can see all the pictures easily. ☺☺☺

  4. These artworks are exceptional, they represent Guildford’s individuals great perspectives.

  5. Amazing ARTWORKS! I see they are very well made and a lot of effort with concentration to the making of these artworks. Maybe…just MAYBE these little artists can become well-known and famous.

  6. These artworks look amazing! I especially like the first by Tara as it is very creative. All of the other Doodle 4 Googles look fabulous too!

  7. My favourite artwork would be the one with the person with an axe. I like this because it has a lot of colour and detail in it.

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